General Conditions of Sale
Conditions of sale for the site Filograsso SRL
1. Background and Scope of Application
1.1 These General Terms and Conditions of Sale (CGV) apply to all purchase orders for curtains, mosquito nets and other items made to measure according to the indications provided by the Customer sent through the website and form an integral and substantial part of the contracts entered into by the Customer with Filograsso SRL.
1.2 In case of conflict between these GTC and the conditions and terms agreed in writing for the individual sale and reported in the confirmation email sent by Filograsso SRL the latter shall prevail. In the case of contracts concluded with Consumers, these CGV will be applied to the extent of compatibility with the special discipline dictated by the Consumer Code, to be understood as expressly referred to herein.
1.3 For the purposes of these GTCV, the term Customer means the person, identified by the data entered upon acceptance of these general conditions, who configures, orders and purchases the product covered by the contract.
1.4 For any clarification regarding these CGV, the characteristics of the products, specific conditions and anything else, the Customer is invited to contact directly Filograsso SRL at the above contact details.
1.5 The version currently in force of this i CGV is always available on the website
2. Language of the contract and applicable regulations
2.1 Regardless of the different display languages of the site, the contracts entered into with Filograsso SRL are concluded exclusively in the Italian language and subject exclusively to Italian law with the exclusion of the application of any different law.
2.2 Orders are prepared by the Customer through guided procedures on the website that allow the Customer to choose the general types of products and to indicate the specific characteristics that Filograsso SRL will follow for the custom-made or personalized products. No responsibility can, therefore, be attributed to Filograsso SRL in case of error made by the Customer in the configuration of the product and -in general- in the compilation of the purchase order.
2.3 The purchase order is considered correctly filled if after completing the submission procedure the site does not report any error messages.
2.4 By clicking on the "Submit Order" button, the Customer will formulate to Filograsso SRL an irrevocable contractual proposal, pursuant to and in accordance with Article 1329 of the Italian Civil Code, concerning the items contained in the shopping cart. The submission of the purchase order by the Customer will be followed within a short time by the confirmation by Filograsso SRL of receipt of the order to the e-mail address provided by the Customer.
2.5 In accordance with Article 13 of Legislative Decree No. 70 of April 9, 2003, the email confirmation of receipt of the order contains a summary of the general and particular conditions applicable to the contract, information relating to the essential characteristics of the items purchased, detailed indication of the price, means of payment, withdrawal, delivery costs and applicable taxes.
2.6 Upon receipt by the Customer of the confirmation of receipt of the Order sent by Filograsso SRL shall be deemed to be a binding contract between Filograsso SRL and the Customer.
2.7 In compliance with the duties of information to Consumers under Article 52, paragraph 1, lett. (f) and (g) of the Consumer Code, and in accordance with the provisions of Article 55, paragraph 2, letter d) of the Consumer Code, the right of withdrawal is excluded in relation to the purchase of items made through the website, as goods clearly tailored by Filograsso SRL for its Customers. The items, therefore, cannot be subject to return or refund.
3. Price, ancillary charges and method of payment
3.1 Filograsso SRL reserves the right to change the prices of items sold through the website at any time The Customer is invited to ascertain the final selling price of the chosen item before placing an order with [Filograsso SRL].
3.2 The prices indicated are public prices, inclusive of VAT and any other taxes, excluding the transport costs of the carrier chosen by Filograsso SRL which, if provided, will be specifically indicated.
3.3 Unless otherwise agreed, the Customer shall pay in full the price of the items ordered, at the same time as placing the Order through the site Filograsso SRL reserves the right to make delivery of the Items purchased only after receiving full payment of the price.
3.4 In case of unavailability, even temporary, of an item, Filograsso SRL will promptly notify the Customer by e-mail, to the address provided at the time of the order and will refund to the Customer any advance payments within 30 (thirty) days from the latest between the day after the day on which the order was sent and the day of receipt of payment.
3.5 Filograsso SRL can not in any case be held responsible for any malfunctioning of electronic payment services provided by third parties and made available on the site
4. Method of shipment
4.1 The items ordered will be shipped to the Customer by Filograsso SRL using a carrier of its choice. Filograsso SRL undertakes to deliver the items to the carrier within 7 (seven) working days from the order confirmation, it being understood that this term will start from the date of payment, if subsequent to the order confirmation.
4.2 Filograsso SRL shall not be liable for non-delivery or delayed delivery if it is due to force majeure causes, such as -by way of example only- strikes, measures of the Public Authorities, rationing or shortage of energy or raw materials, transport difficulties, fires, floods and damage to industrial machinery not dependent on the fault of [Filograsso SRL].
4.3 Filograsso SRL will promptly notify the Customer of the occurrence and disappearance of a cause of force majeure. If the cause of force majeure persists for a period exceeding by two weeks the shipping deadline initially indicated in the order confirmation, each party shall be entitled to withdraw from the contract.
4.4 In the cases provided for in the preceding paragraph, the Customer shall not be entitled to any compensation, indemnity or discount for any reason whatsoever, except for the right to a refund of any amount already paid by way of price in the event of termination of the contract.
5. Warranty
5.1 Purchases made by the Customer qualifying as a Consumer shall be subject to the legal warranty set forth in Articles 129, 130 and 132 of the Consumer Code. In the event of a lack of conformity of an item pursuant to Article 129 of the Consumer Code, the Consumer shall have the right to restore, without charge, the conformity of the item by repair or replacement within a reasonable period of time. In the case of purchases made by a Customer qualifying as a Professional, the legal guarantee provided by the Civil Code shall apply.
5.2 Filograsso SRL may not be held liable for any pecuniary or non-pecuniary damage, direct or indirect, that may be caused to the Customer, its property and/or third parties as a result of improper or abnormal use of an item, or from defects in the installation of an item, which remains the sole responsibility and under the full responsibility of the Customer.